Package 3:

Capture Your Authentic Brand: Personal Branding Photography Package



Tailored shoot planning, image creation + marketing advice - done for you

You get me - under the hood of your brand and applying my 8+ years Photography experience and 18+ years Marketing and Proposition development experience, creating personalised plan completely for you AND THEN developing the images and social video for you to be able to update your website, share to socials or highlight your profile for podcast interviews or speaking engagements.

And it doesn’t stop there. Once you have the gallery available to you, you will also receive clear guidance on how best to use the specific images in your gallery to build deeper trust and connection with your clients and potential clients.

Ready to elevate your brand presence and attract more of the right clients?

Let's do this!

Melbourne lingerie models in st kilda holly Lulu photo brand shoot
Melbourne lingerie models in st kilda holly Lulu photo brand shoot


What's included

  • Detailed questionnaire to get the heart of your brand, your direction for business growth and your vision for your shoot

  • A list of personally recommendation locations to shoot based on the specifics of your shoot, plus access to my shoot location guide for other options

  • Shared inspiration mood board and template access

  • A 1:1 co-creation planning session together, where I share shoot concepts with you based on your business goals to elevate your brand

  • I complete the runsheet and logistics documentation, to make sure your shoot runs smoothly

  • 4 hour photo session to create unique content for your brand at Session at a location with 30mins drive of Albert Park

  • 120 images in high resolution Jpeg format

  • Social quality video captured of BTS moments from your shoot plus any specific video concepts built into your shoot plan

  • A personalised explainer video with recommendations on how to best use YOUR gallery to grow brand trust backed by scientifically proven principles (we wheel out the marketing big guns here)

  • Gallery access for 12 months, so you can download and post as needed


Additional extras

  • Any studio fees or location permit costs depending on the location chosen

  • Professional Hair and Make-up through one of Melbourne's best make-up artists

No more stock images, blending in and hiding behind your services

In a world filled with countless brands, products, and services, and cheap grabs for attention it's easy to get lost in the crowd. But you, my friend, were not built to hide behind your offerings - you were built to stand out and drive impact.

I'm here to help you bring unique content that illuminates who you are, what is feels like to work with you and the transformations that your business brings to your community. Get ready to break away from stock images and scripted communications, and stand in the uniqueness and value of your brand.

Let's do this!


"These have absolutely blown me away. I am in love. Holy ducking hell, I love them Marisa!"

Nat woman from SZN Social barbie pink outfit holding microphone in agency
Nat woman from SZN Social barbie pink outfit holding microphone in agency

Nat, SZN Social - Melbourne Marketing Agency

Woman in blush dress in personal branding photography session connecting to nature
Woman in blush dress in personal branding photography session connecting to nature

Kylie Olivia, + The Wellbeing Collab

Business Strategist reimaginers sitting on a couch with a pink dress
Business Strategist reimaginers sitting on a couch with a pink dress

Melissa Peppers, Reimaginers - Business Strategist

The booking and planning process


Let's set a date - Click here to reach out, say hello and I can share the availability with you for your session.


Exploratory questionnaire + Pinterest - so I can get to know you, the depths of your brand, where your business is transforming (and transforming the world) and the sorts of images that you'd love for your brand for us to create together, you'll complete a detailed Questionnaire plus a Pinterest inspiration board. Remember you are here to stand out, not blend in copying your competitors, so we will be looking to create imagery that celebrate the uniqueness of your brand.


Your 1:1 Strategy session - Together we work through ways we can illuminate your competitive advantages, uniqueness and magic visually in your session. With this package, I'll prepare some concepts to share with you to best communicate the heart of your brand and help drive trust.


Your shoot day - Feeling inspired, we work together to create your images on the day. If you are feeling a little nervous, don't stress - the one piece of feedback I consistently receive from all photography clients is that the moment I step into a room, it becomes instantly calm. I've got you!


I've got you. I've created a framework to make sure you get the most out of your session and receive a gallery that meets the needs of your growing business.


Your gallery is delivered - I'll edit and deliver 120 of my favourite images from your shoot, plus the BTS mobile content from the day to give you great variety, speak to the heart of your brand, but also meet your needs outlined in your questionnaire. I'll also share with you how to best use your images using Marketing insights gathered from my 18+ years in Marketing. Your gallery will be active for 12 months so that you can download and access them as you need, without clogging up your phone storage. The images will all be in high resolution jpeg format.