Melbourne Personal Branding Photographer


Hello there, I'm Marisa

Become fearlessly visible in your brand imagery
Hey there, I’m Marisa!
A calm, sentimental soul, who’s happiest outdoors, experiencing life, one wild and graceful moment at a time.

I grew up in Perth and straight out of uni stepped into the world of PR & Marketing (I not so secretly wanted to be Samantha Jones from Sex and the City). And I love marketing, no really! There is just something about breaking down the inner workings of the way humans think to really 'get' people and what is important to them that lights up my brain. But 10 years into my Marketing journey, I realised I had a craving to do so much more - a way to unleash my creativity and lean into that feminine energy that bring the ease and flow.

So I picked up my camera, and day by day across the past 8 years, taught myself everything I know about photography and how to really bring someone's energy into photographs, to celebrate who they are deep down - to put it succinctly, I make the unseen, seen!

At first, I was really hesitant about moving into Personal Branding photography. You see, when I looked at the market, it was flooded with images of business owners behind laptops smiling, yogini's in pretzel poses in overly lit studios and a whole lot of people throwing confetti trying to look excited (okay, actually I did try this one and it was fun!), but it didn't feel real or genuine - or like me. Those images spoke to what those people do, not who they are or what it feels like to work with them - and if there is anything my squillion years of marketing experience has taught me, it's that standard (and boring) images make you hard to fall in love with in a crowded market!

Bottom line is you can't stand behind them proudly and say 'this is what I whole-heartedly offer the world' and expect your audience to really believe it. So I decided to break the mould!

I took what I knew in the realms of photography, marketing psychology and deep human connection and transformed them to create a service that is truly unique. A service that allows you to arrive wherever you are in your journey - be it just ready for some 'personal branding headshots', or fully ready to embrace capturing and sharing images that are unique to you and communicate deeply with your community.

With a little extra information from you, we can take your brand photos from 'just another headshot' to something so much more that speaks to the hearts and minds of your community - I can't tell you how much this excites me.

To allow them to deeply know, like, trust and ultimately purchase from you... and then become a raving fan!

6 fun facts

But enough of the 'proper stuff' - Let's dial up the magic and get to know each other better... here's 6 fun facts about me. When you are ready to connect, jump across to my contact page, say hello and share some fun facts about you too!

Fave holiday (so far) - this is a toughie! I love the proper heat, and also the snow. But, deep down I still crave the wilderness of Iceland - there is something so humbling about the mountains, glaciers and all that natural goodness. When you put your hand on the earth there, there is just something inexplicably magic about it.

Fave photography locations in Victoria - I'm so drawn to nature, but in particular the beach and forests here. For that magical forest feel, I can't go past RJ Hammer Arboretum in Olinda and for beach, most certainly it's Half Moon bay with it's rocky outcrops - perfect for those yoga photos that draw on the energy of the water, earth and wind.

I am happiest when - Given my name literally means 'of the sea' it's no wonder that I am drawn to the water. But also if there is anything that the years 'we shall not speak of' (okay... it's 2020 and 2021) have taught me, it's just how important family and community is. That WA border was water tight and I really just want to throw my arms around my people more now.

Fave hot beverage - I don't discriminate - I love coffee, tea and hot chocolate, but at the moment, I can say for certain, cacao and I are the best of friends.

My love language(s) - The two that are strongest for me to give and receive are Words and Physical Touch (I'm such a hugger).

And, I ask all of my clients this question before a shoot so I am answering this here for you now... If you could whisper anything into the ear of your clients when they get ready to start their day, what would it be - "Dance with curiosity, every single day. Seek inspiration from the world around you, but remember your unique energy is what lights up this world, in a way only you can. You are not only needed, but deeply craved by the people lucky enough that you are in their world "

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Nurturing Hot Chocolate with collagen
Nurturing Hot Chocolate with collagen

Always will be

I acknowledge that I was born on, live on and practise my craft on the traditional land of our First Nations people of the Kulin Nation, specifically the people of the Boon Wurrung and Noogar clans. Indigenous Australians have contributed to the rich fabric of this land for thousands of years and I am incredibly thankful for this. I revere their continued spiritual connection and sovereignty of this earth and water by honouring their past, acknowledging their present and wholeheartedly supporting their future. This land is Aboriginal land. They remain its custodians. As it always was, and always will be.